Saturday, March 18, 2017


This will be a short post giving an overview of the main character that will be shown in the film opening.
The main character of the story is Alice a 17-year-old teen girl. She is very well known by many in  her school. She is kind, beautiful, creative. She loves to watch videos and movies, loves to write for  herself, and enjoys spending time with friends. She has a well established group of friends who love her dearly as well as supportive and loving parents. But what she feels on the inside is chaos compared to the calm composure of how she looks on the outside.

Alice hates who she sees in the mirror. Trying to hide herself with a mask. Now I wanted to see how young teens feel like. As I mentioned in a previous post, it was difficult for me to find a film talking about hating your body that was not a documentary. So instead, I found a character who is young and feels insecure about herself.

Poster image of a woman's abdomen with her hand holding a rose against it.In the movie American Beauty directed by Sam Mendes, the character Jane doesn’t like who she is. She is very insecure about her physical look. This can be seen at the opening shot of the movie in which the characters are introduced and Jane is seen looking online about breast augmentation.It then  follows Jane where she is looking at herself in the mirror and she doesn’t like what she sees. Then throughout the movie, we see Jane talking to her boyfriend Ricky in which she is talking about the amount of money that she has saved to get a breast augmentation. This shows how she feels the need to change who she for people to like her. She just wanted to feel like she fits in, have the attention that her best Friend Angela gets.

The difference between Jane and my character Alice is that Alice developed hate for herself with no family problems while Jane’s environment with her family is toxic causing her not to like herself. Jane is also a more complex character shown with her clothing and dark vibes. This goes well with who she is, but I have decided that my character will look fresh to show that her image is her mask by making her look beautiful and youthful. The makeup will show her composed on the outside and not transparent.

P.S. This post was longer than expected.
Motion picture. (1999). United States: DreamWorks Pictures. Retrieved March 18,
      2017, from

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