Sunday, March 12, 2017

28 Days To Go

Having only a month to create a 2 minute film opening can be stressful, especially when you are doing it by yourself. I am trying to organize myself to be able to make a well produced film opening, but with school it can be a little complicated so i have decided to  create somewhat of  a schedule.

Week One: Planning: I will be planning about the genre, the character/ Story, and Inspiration.

Week Two: I will mostly likely be working further in the planning. Maybe do a storyboard to organize my thoughts and if more research is necessary, this week would be the perfect time to further my understanding of my topic.

Week Three: I will take this week to film and start editing as I go to make sure that it is turning out as I want.

Week Four/Five: I will mostly likely be editing the footage. I’m a beginner in the editing business, but having this time will allow me to play around with different techniques. I hope to record the voiceover as well as the find the perfect music that will fit. Though the music search will be tough as I am very picky when it comes to finding the music that will convey the emotions perfectly, I have enough time to  find the blends of melody that will tell a story.

Now, this is just an overview of what is to come,  and I know that things occur and not everything will go to plan, but all I can do is hope that everything will turn out great in the end.

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